The Life: of a proverbs 31 woman in training


2010: Done and done!

Every year, on this day, people make lists. They list the things that have happened over the past year. They list the things they hope to do in the coming one. Most lists include some amount of weight loss. Some include trips to be taken, places to be visited, and marathons to be run. And, alas, the first day of this new year, I am in the same place. (I, however, am not brave enough to post my resolutions on the world wide web for more accountability than I care to have!)

Instead, how about a synopsis of 2010?

Just like every year, it had 365 days, 8760 hours, 525600 minutes ,and 31536000 seconds, but it boasted unique qualities too...

In 2010:
Mistakes were made. Arguments had. Forgiveness sought. A blog started and updated… not so often. This country left - and returned to with the song "God bless America" sung loudly and proudly. Babies were delivered. Champagne was tried (Ew). 1000+ pictures were taken. Noses were pierced. Cycles proved themselves cyclical. Parents drove hours to pick up their sick college student. TONS of pool hours were logged. Alethia friends were made. Silly Halloween costumes constructed. Howls and screams present at Howl-O-Scream. Sunsets were watched. Clinical hours clocked. Classes skipped. Diet coke drank. Weddings attended and lovely purple dresses worn. Tests were studied for. New guitars received. Noses unpierced. Poems read, laughed at, and smiled about. I love you's spoken. Friends became close. Too many cookies were eaten. Feelings were hurt - worries were had. Love for the NICU was discovered. Spanish-speakers received the gospel. Blessings were received and prayers were answered. Relationships were damaged and restored. Wounds were healed, ripped open, and healed again. Truth was discovered. Fears were confirmed. Peace passed all understanding. Hottub trips taken. Volcanos climbed. Miles run. Lessons learned. Baby showers thrown. Entire families prayed for. Growth happened. Another year: complete.

2010: Done and done!

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