The Life: of a proverbs 31 woman in training



This is my first opportunity to get on the internet - I´m at an internet cafe that´s down the street from the compound where we´re staying. It hasn´t been working, which is why I haven´t updated sooner. It´s a dollar for an hour of internet. ´There´s so much to say, and not enough time to write it all out... and this keyboard is different en español, so that makes it doubly as dificil. I´m learning so much español, it shocks me. I have been blogging on my own computer, so as soon as I can, I´ll figure out how to put them up here.
We´ve been working in the clinics this week. We´ve been with people that have tuberculosis, three different types of influenza, tons of HIV and STDs, and other fun things. The doctors and nurses here are extremely nice! They take every opportunity to teach us what they are doing... and it´s usually in spanish. My spanish english dictionary is coming in handy.
I hope everyone is well. I´m fine - sweating beyond belief.... taking cold showers and braving la selva. :)

Hasta mañana!

1 comment:

  1. I was sooo glad to TALK to you this afternoon. I know we don't see each other daily but I think because I know you are not 4 hours from me I miss the heck out of you. We are all following your trip whatever tid bit you can supply us with we are happy with!!! This sounds like this is a sobering experience. The things you shared with me on the phone are hard to realize and put what you are doing in perspective and I am so very proud of you for this undertaking. Now what is going on here. Your Aunt Danae is at the movie theatre to see the premier showing of this Twilight series. They bought this ticket which showed the first two starting at eight pm ans then at midnight the new one - she is too funny!!! Brandon accepted a job in Columbia and starts Tuesday the 6th of July so we will be moving him to his new place. He needs everything from a bed to a fork. Lauren went to the Drs today and nothing has changed and she will go the 6th and they will do a stress test and ultra sound to see about inducing??? Why can't we wait until Carolina is ready to "appear" the old fashioned way lol!!! We are having a new roof put on starting Friday - do I lead an exciting life or what!!!!! Well I wish I could send you some ice water and your mom's macaroni and cheese!! I love you soooo much!!! xxxooo Gram


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