The Life: of a proverbs 31 woman in training


Internet connections!

Yay! Finally a connection to Blogger! Fb and blogger aren't accessible here, but after downloading a hotspot shield, and consulting with my tech support here in Beijing, I can finally log on!

We're all having a great time and enjoying our trip so far. We've done the touristy things: The Great Wall and The Silk Market. Both were fun! I'll write more about those later and maybe post a few pictures! And we've also done plenty of team bonding and planning for the busy week ahead.

The jet-lag is pretty miserable. Try telling your body it's 12 hours later than it really is... it's a gross feeling. I woke up at 5am yesterday and 4am today. It's ridiculous! And by the time we get used to it it'll be time to come back home and get readjusted again!

There's been so much anticipation for this trip; I'm glad to finally be here! And all the stories I've heard about the people and the town - it's nice to put faces to names and see things that I've only heard about. *Cool fact: The Bird's Nest from the 2008 Olympics is across the street from our hotel. :)

I've learned a few Chinese words, but so far it's pretty hard to have ANY CLUE what they're talking about. Our translators have been great! And I'm sure they will come in even more handy as we get into camp mode!

Please continue to 'p' for cohesiveness as a team, better adjustment to the time so we can get the rest we need, and for zero nerves. :)


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