The Life: of a proverbs 31 woman in training


french food for dinner!

Ok, so I'm in China.
It's crazy to think that a week ago we arrived in Beijing. It feels like I've been here forEVER.
Tomorrow is our last day of camp and I know it's going to be very sad. As a 'worker' you want to see immediate fruit, but here, we're more or less introducing G, which means the fruit of our labor will probably not be seen by us... and maybe we'll never know what happens to the message we're presenting. It's sad to know I won't see most of the kids ever again. They've become my buddies. And just as we're getting to know each other it's time to leave. :(
Tonight was the acrobat show and it totally lived up to it's reputation. My favorite was a girl standing on point on some man's head. She looked so young! Sure enough... she was 12. So sad.
I've been feeling under the weather for the past couple days and at the moment have no voice. It's probably from participating in my initiation: ABC gum. One piece of gum from the front of the bus is passed between each passenger and then back to the front... it ended up being grey with like 30 pieces of gum together. And Mr. Vince chewed it and blew a bubble! The gum tasted super good though... like a peppermint flavor with a hint of mango. Hahaha. It was peer pressure! Don't ask why I did it.
Back in the states I love chinese food. It's my favorite! I have yet to eat a meal here that I like. All this authentic stuff is yuck. Seriously, it's not good. Tonight Mike, Mom, Stuart and I settled for 711 food... I got a croissant and a diet coke. And I think my mom and stuart had pringles. It was a great dinner really! I loved it.
I'm getting pretty homesick... I think part of it is being sick and the other part not really liking it here. I mean, I LOVE the kids, and I truly believe in what we're doing... and I'm committed. But really, I miss home. And we have 2 more weeks! Oi.
1)EVERYONE is getting sick. Some have stomach bugs others of us have cold-like symptoms.
2)Tomorrow is our last day of camp and the kids will be performing for their parents... and singing songs about C. It's going to be amazing. P for receptive hearts
3)Preparation for next week: We have the older kids, which will be an entirely different camp... it will be like the first day all over again.
4) homesickness of all of us.

Love you all.

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