The Life: of a proverbs 31 woman in training


Battle Flu vs. Morgan

I'm one of those people (partially due to my nursely nature) that thinks whenever they get sick they are going to die. This time was no different and to make things worse I was a 14.5 hr flight away from the States. Oi.
I woke up Thursday with a sore throat and didn't make it through the entire day of camp. I went home after lunch and slept 6 hrs straight. I thought maybe I was just tired and my "nap" (most people consider that a nights sleep) had cured me... so I decided to hang tough and go to camp on Friday. I was NOT going to miss out on saying goodbye to my little kids! But, you better believe I woke up with a 102 fever Saturday morning and all the other flu symptoms to match. I'll spare you the details. I pretty much slept until Monday morning but was completely back to 100% Monday morning. I think it was grace that got me through Friday... and a good measure of strong will. In total 3.5 days down... not too bad. But, oh my! I was missing home. I told my daddy he needed to fly to Beijing and get me. He probably would have. :) Miss him.
This week's camp is so vastly different from last week. Last week the focus was on just getting the kids to behave so we could semi teach them anything! This week the kids know every grammar rule possible... on paper. But they can barely communicate with us, which makes sense. The Chinese are great at book work. Unfortunately, our curriculum is geared primarly toward the grammar rules and vocab. So, coming up with changes on the fly is the new norm. :) It's all about being Semper Gumby (always flexible). I'm learning that. I like the flexible version of myself.
I am truly having the best week. Joy. It's the only way I can describe it. That and a good measure of sleep! There's no more jet-lag and some newly found American food. It's wonderful.
I don't really have the freedom to write everything that's going on, but you can bet I'll be sharing stories once I'm home.
My cup truly runneth over.

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